Sunday, August 14, 2005

Feeling a lil' Irish

I've felt uber lazy this weekend but I managed to get a couple small things done. =)

I don't know if it's because I'm half Irish but I've always been fasinated by anything Irish and Celtic. Once upon a time I had plans to attend art school in Ireland. Unfortunately I could never scrape together enough funds even with grants and loans. *sigh*

I still want to visit there one day, so does Hash. And I'm half certain once we get there we'll end up calling my mom or my in-laws telling them, "Hey! Yea we're gonna stay here. Do us a favor? Sell all our shit and Western Union us the cash. Okaythanksbye."

So this weekend I made a cute lil' bag with some kelly green and cream yarn out of clover shapes. I'm very happy with how this turned out! =D

Clover Bag

And I was just playing around but I came up with a lil' Celtic Knot. I've always enjoy drawing Celtic Knots so it was a lot of fun making one of yarn, heh.

Celtic Knot


Anonymous said...

So cute - I want one, too! Did you come up with the pattern yourself?

emy said...

That Celitc knot is way cool! Would you have the instructions to share?

Marj said...

yes, that celtic knot is awesome ^_^

i'm scotish, myself. would love to travel to either Scotland or Ireland... but the destination that will probably have me going there to stay is japan... hee hee

keep on stitching! and thanks again for the kind comments. that Autumn Afghan is coming along!

~wyn :D

PBnJ said...

Thank you jessi, chrissie, emy, and wyntir!!

I don't know if you can even call it a "pattern" LOL. It's just two afghan squares from an old printout I have. and then everything was SC'd together. And a simple chain and clover to close it all up.

I can't seem to find the site where I got the afghan square from. =( I printed it a few years ago and now that site seems dead. Maybe I can make up something similar though. If I figure something out I'll make sure to post it on my blog!

Same for the Celtic Knot! I'm hoping to try a bigger more intricate knot next!

Thanks again for the nice comments! =)

Katherine said...

I totally love the intertwined knot! Way to go on the bag too. HighFive.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I'm planning on going to the UK for my 30th birthday (next year--yikes), and I can definitely imagine myself not coming back.